Saturday, October 1, 2011

panic plunge,

Panic plunge!! fun! but not so fun... My dad loved it though and so did (my brother) andrew. But me and jon were horrified! Yep.. Thats me... Sitting smack dab in the middle....litteraly you can see I was not thrilled about it.. .So. when we were on are way up, (my dad is a real jokester he likes to point out everything to make us laugh)  Soo.. Being the nice jokester he is, he pointed out that you could see those mountains from here, all the way from Washington "Oh dad"  I said. Then... In the spur of the moment he said:  "lets play I spy" (you can see where this is going obviously) "STOP IT DAD" (i told him this several times but being the dad he is he kept on doing that until we reached the top.) Then...  all of a sudden....out of nowhere "WHOOOOSH!!!!" It seriously makes you feal like you jumped out of a air plane, and then someone catches you.. I thought we were going to crash into the ground.😂😂😂 That was the best ride I went on that day. (The top picture is when we were getting off panic plunge) (The second pictures  is when we got on) (the third picture is when we were were coming down so freaking fast.)  It was fun in Silver Wood. Good Bye for now .

that's not right !

I know this picture is kind of blurry. Bit try and take a real close look at it. . It was about 3 inches long?!?! Isn't that weird?!! It was the oddest thing!!! ( a regular egg is about 2")  Our chickens are really producing rather large eggs nowadays.